zaterdag 4 april 2009

A special evening

Just because this show was a bit more special and intens then we thought! Mapenzi Tamu, what means sweet and honoust love, is played by homeless teenagers from Africa and is about the problems in slumvillages. The danger of unsafe sex under teenagers, the lies about HIV and the need for condoms. Jup, Condom Scence is what the say! Sitting almost front row in this 1500 seated theater and by our surprise just behind our future king Dutch Prins Willem Alexander and his lovely wife Prinses Maxima.

Mapenzi Tamu

Just because we have no idea what this theater show will bring us tonight. Just got 2 tickets from a friend. (Props). It's sold out... So guess (read: hope) it means something. Good weekend ya'all. Doing un petit drink tonight. Feel free to join us

Party Update

Thanks to Frank's good old garage....a place of amazing memories

DieJee Pistole

Just because this late night party was hosted with deejees Pistole and Moi. Nou ja, we were trying. All Big ups to frank, who's leaving for a month of Australia. Thanks for everything.!

vrijdag 3 april 2009

It's friday

Just because we are done with work for today....and Pistole and Koentje are Joining me on this wonderful friday midday drink. Summer started? Feel free to Join us @ waagplein. See you there;-)

Train Problems

Just because the NS ticket machines aren't working this morning anywhere in Holland. Endless line's for the ticket offices and lot's of people missing their trains.... Good morning;-)

Summer season is on

Just because while walking to my bus, A saw some cheesecarriers building up this summers first cheese market... Jong belegen it is;-)

donderdag 2 april 2009

Sky High

Just because this dee jee dude is going Kanye high and 45

Update ny party

Chears... extra blond...vedett by DuveL... Go to and become one yourself....or just Join us at waterlooplein

A'DAMS 'I AM NEW YORK' pre summer party

Just because we drink some jameson at 7, it only costs 5 euro, big2 and LeLe are here and it's pretty fly for the amount of white guys......incl us wha!;-)

woensdag 1 april 2009


Just because this Game is set. The wave is going and orange is celebrating again!

Orange is the new black

Just because we are heading for the Arena Stadium, hope we gonne celebrate 'de winst' against Marcedonie

dinsdag 31 maart 2009

Enjoying ourself

Just because we enjoy the nice bar, the nice view and the players of marcedonie are discussing the Game of tmrw with us. Common!

AutoRai preview evening

Just because one of my colleges surprised me with a ticket for the preview evening of Dutch most wanted autoshow....see you there;-)

zondag 29 maart 2009

Vage gasten part II

As said....nice expo

Vage gasten

Just because these 'vage gasten' (strange dudes) have some nice expo space in this old sex cinema at the Reguliersbreestraat -Adam.

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